That that don't kill me, can only make me stronger. I need you to hurry up now, cause I can't wait much longer. Kanye West, Stronger

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Playlist of the Week: Girl Power

Sometimes you need a little girl power boost, these are some classics that really get me going! Clearly I have trouble picking one song per the choice is yours.

Enjoy! I'll be back on Thursday. HLD :)

All for You-Janet Jackson

Everybody-Britney Spears (this one always gets me moving, but all Britney is top notch workout music, Over Protected, My Prerogative, Toy Solider, take your pick.)

Lose Control-Missy Elliott

Dirty-Christina Aguilera

Suddenly I See-KT Tundstall

Shut Up and Drive-Rhianna


Buttons-Pussy Cat Dolls (or When I Grow Up or Wait a Minute or Don't Cha :))

Soak Up the Sun-Sheryl Crow


7 Things-Miley Cyrus

1,2 Step-Ciara

Get Me Bodied/Crazy in Love/Bills-Beyonce

Bounce with Me-Kreesha Turner

Hips Don't Lie-Shakira

Walk Away-Kelly Clarkson

Weekly Workout Wrap Up

Hi Everyone!

This is going to be quick because I want to get to the beach!

Monday: 30 minute elliptical, 10 minute rower+full body strength workout

2 sets of 12
-lunges with over head presses
-plie squat with upright row
-back lunges with curls
-squat and tricep extension
-leg press, in wide, legs together, plie and calve raise positions
-ad ductor abductor machine
-lots of abs: ball crunches, reverse ball crunches alternating push up and reverse crunch, planks, and crunches on incline bench

Tuesday: 30/60/90 Workout and 25 minutes on elliptical
Wednesday: 2 mile walk to work, 5 mile tempo run
Thursday: 20 minute elliptical and 10 on rower, ran out of time!
Friday: 3.5 mile run @ tempo pace because I had to fit it in before we hit the road, my parents would definitely leave without me!)
1 hour beach walk
Sat: 6.3 mile run and beach sprints (2 minutes x 4)
Sun: 10 mile run
2 hour kayak and mini golf planned

The run was really rough, I had to call in the big guns: Advice from my friend and stellar runner, Greg, "when I run and it's hard, all I think about is the next step. When it's really hard, I run harder to get beyond the pain." A bit extreme, but breaking it down to the next steps makes running manageable.

10 % of my less than fabulous feeling run was due to too much running. I almost never run 2 days in a row or more than 3 days a week, even when marathon training. For a couple reasons, a-I get bored of it
b-I have never been injured and I never want to be. Running is really hard on the body, so I am happy to integrate spinning, elliptical and classes into my workout regimen to maintain fitness and give my body a break from running. No more running for at least 2 days!

The other 90% was because when I woke up my ipod would turn on but the screen was completely white. WFT?!!!!!!!!!!! So it was basically like a giant shuffle, which is no good when you have random stuff like, Now That's What I Call Christmas on your ipod.

So I had a hard time getting past my ipod heartbreak. I am more obsessed with my ipod than is logical; I go no where without it. I heart it beyond words. And I do not want to replace it! Okay, sorry for the rant, but let's just say this was not me:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Long Run Lost

Sorry for no post yesterday, it took me a bit to get my wireless configured!

I will put a few links to things that I found interesting this week. I was planning to do some research on fitness tech, the Garmin, Polar watches, Nike Sport Band, etc. Because as much as I love the no frills aspect of waking up, foot to the floor and out the door, I think I should step it up a bit. I don't even have an armband for my nano! So suggestions or questions appreciated, I will be doing some research, possibly purchasing, and posting more about heart rate monitors, running watches, and running tech next week.

The one thing I will suggest buying is a portable ipod charger. I bought a Griffin charger last year to have in Europe, the thing is great. It charges fast and the charge seems to last longer than plugging my ipod into the computer. I keep mine at work, so I can charge during the day.

Today I planned to do my long run. I didn't want to bring my phone because it's too heavy. I thought about bringing my parents phone, but it quickly became apparent that in the case of emergency they could not be trusted to operate my blackberry properly.

So I decided to take my route map and $20. I figured I could resort to lying on the ground, flailing, screaming and causing a general scene to attract help if need be.

So I took off, I am fairly directionally challenged and always more nervous in unknown zones, but the route was beautiful. About 3 miles in I realized I had made a wrong turn, so I could go back and add a couple miles to my run or continue on my route for a 6.3 mile run and do my long run tomorrow (After I practice the route in the car, hindsight, love it.). I decided to do the former. When I got back to the hotel, I grabbed a bottle of water and did some beach sprints for good measure. Nothing gets your legs in shape faster than running on soft sand!

So my run was 6.3 fairly slow miles and 4 beach sprints @ 2minutes each with 30 seconds rest in between. I did the sprints listening to Hunger for the Great Light by DMB, which I have taken to listening to on repeat and Check Yes Juliet by We the Kings.

Tomorrow I have my 10 miles run on the agenda. In addition, my parents who are more active than any 60 somethings I have ever met in my life, have their own 6 mile walk planned, 2 hours of kayaking and some minigolf (which they take as seriously as Sunday Communion). So I will definitely do some kayaking and golfing too.

Here are just a couple links that I found interesting this week:

Internet Things I Don't Understand (Funny!!!!)

Love Food to End Emotional Eating

This bodysuit from American Apparel. I can't believe I would ever consider wearing a body suit (although I had several in 4th grade), but Rumi from Fashion Toast rocks this one. I actually went to American Apparel for the first time this week just to check it out. :)

Fashion 101: Your 10 Piece Foundation Wardrobe (curiously no bodysuit included :))
Wishing you sunshine on your long weekend.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fitness Finds of the Week

Fitness Deals of the Week

Yoga is great because there is never a lack of free classes and great deals.

Check out any of these places for your daily meditation totally gratis:
Yoga for the People-free
Chelsea’s Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center
Integral Yoga Institute
Atmananda Yoga Sequence
For more info about all of the above check out this great article

This happens to be national Yoga Month, so Yoga Festivals are going on in cities across the country. Check out the website for more info. On Sept. 7th the festival will kick off in NYC, unlimited classes all day for $39 or one for $25. Bootcamp for Goddesses and Hip-Hop Asana jump out at me as looking pretty great.

If you want a little zen in your life but your find downward dog more stressful than soothing, check out these ideas for creating a calming cube.

Yummy “Healthy” Food of the week: Whole Wheat Edamamme Steamed Dumplings at Rickshaw. These replaced the no-so-good tofu dumplings. They are really yummy and super filling. You get a choice of soup or salad with six dumplings. I recommend subbing the peanut sate salad for the lemon sansho salad. Fun fitness ideas to try:

Outdoor Adventures-Hiking totally renewed my love of hiking. I actually like it more than I remember liking it in Girl Scouting. Maybe that’s because I no longer expend all my energy singing GS songs at the top of my lungs and running from bears that are THIS BIG!

I thought no one hiked in the city--we just aren't outdoorsy folk :(, but I did some serious asking and googling and found out there are a lot of groups that plan outdoor adventures, hiking, back packing, camping, white water rafting, climbing, etc.

Here are a few organization that plan group out-of-doors activities. They all have branches in other cities too.

Outdoor Bound

Meet Market Adventures

Urban Escapes

That’s it for this edition!

Just FYI, I will be away until September 3rd. While I am on Cape Cod, I will have wireless in my hotel, so I will do my best to get my butt off the beach and keep blogging. When I am on Island (Martha’s Vineyard) at the beginning of next week, I won’t be able to blog. I like to completely unplug from all technology when I am in my little island retreat.

Just in case something crazy happens and I can’t blog at all, have a GREAT Labor Day weekend!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Marathon Training: The Plan

Today I am doing the infamous TEMPO run!

For anyone who is new to running/training, a tempo run is a run that is comfortably hard and done for an extended period of time. In other words, running at a pace you feel your RPE to be at 6-7, so it's not easy to be a chatty kathy, but it is a pace you can sustain for several miles.

The tempo run serves several purposes:

-improves endurance
-improves speed
-increases your lactate threshold, more info about that here
-running at a fairly high intensity is great for weight and body-fat loss and sustained metabolic burn

So my run today will be from work downtown across the Brooklyn Bridge and back. A total of 4.75 miles. This is a fairly ideal distance for a tempo run. I am not a fan of pushing myself hard, I just love to stay in my comfort zone, but that is not going to get me faster, stronger or leaner, so a runner's gotta do, what a runner's gotta do.

And yes, I do sometimes say to myself when the going gets tough: i think i can, i think i can.

*Note: I ran into some unexpected obstacles on the Brooklyn Bridge, aka throngs of people. Seriously, the BB is like Disney World in that you hate to cross in front of pictures, but you will never get to your ride if you don't. Did I manage to block the pedestrian gridlock out of my mind since last time? Hey, NYC Gov...add a photo op lane! When I wasn't trying not to run into people or get run over by a biker, the run was great. Even better when I finished. Definitely got the glowy runner feeling today.

In preparation for my trip to Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard, I searched for some runs on mapmyrun. I found a 11 and 6 miler right near where I am staying, so hopefully I can stay on track.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

30/60/90 Workout

I have heard a lot about the infamous 30/60/90 Workout by Kristi Molinaro, trainer at Equinox Fitness. I think I first read about some celeb doing it in the Self Star Workout Issue. And I just googled it and found that NYMAG named it Best Fat-Burning Workout of 2008.

I have been really anxious to try it. I have a 3-day pass to Equinox, and I was all set to go today, but I really need to pack for vacay and clean, so I thought I would try the at home version from Fitness Magazine August 2008. Lame excuses! But I want to have 3 uninterrupted days of glory to try out Equinox.

You can find the workout in the August Fitness or on the website.

Basic overview, alternate cardio and strength moves, starting with 90 seconds of cardio and 30 seconds of strength for the first set, then 60 cardio and 60 strength and 30 cardio and 90 strength for the last set. Sometimes the intervals are a bit different, but that is the basic idea.

I used on online stop watch to keep my time. This worked out perfectly.

The workout took me about 36 minutes. I probably could have rested more between sets because it was really tiring at some points.

First Set: jump rope (cardio)/row (strength) was pretty easy

Second Set: Weighted Jumping Jack/Push-up-HARD, weighted jumping jacks are a great addition to any workout; the push ups made me realize the 100 Push up Challenge is probably a good idea for my weak ass...i mean arms.

Third Set: Speed skater/Tricep dip-not bad-had to put my leg down after 10

Fourth Set: Shoot the Basket/Bicep Curl-a little winded, but not too bad

Fifth set: Mountain Climber/Bicycle-wow, super tired by this point, more rest after 4th set advised

Sixth Set:Reverse Lunge kick/plank-pretty easy

*Props to Fitness magazine for making it really easy to follow and having great descriptions.

Good things about this workout:

-I could do it in my apartment with minimal space or equipment required
-I could listen to free tunes via i tunes radio
-I could wear pj pants and a sports bra
-only six moves and one time through, so you know you can do it

-It was not boring, but would have been more fun in a group, so the class is probably even better
-On its own, it's not quite enough, so I (put a shirt on) went downstairs and did 30 minutes on the elliptical.
The workout is called the Drop a Jeans Size Workout and there is on accompanying Dessert a Day Diet Plan. Has anyone ever actually followed a magazine diet plan? Success?

Blog Blast from the Past

I am sure no one will find this as amusing as I do, but I can't help myself...

About a week ago, one of my co-workers asked if I wrote an article called, "Lose Weight While Sitting in Front of the Computer." I was like no, it must be someone else.

On a side note,very few people I actually know, know about my blog. I thought it was pretty curious that such an article under my name existed, but I didn't ask any more about the source. I already have a weird health freak label at work, and I try to down play it as much as possible. Pass the triple chocolate cupcake please!

Today I was sitting in front of the computer, thinking about it, and it sounded like an article I would want to read. So I googled it. Lo and behold, I did write the article. Four years ago for an NYU blog I worked on. This was in 2004 before I had any idea what a blog was--as blogs were pretty under the radar to 95% of the general public. Basically political blogs were popular, but very few people kept personal blogs unless you count live journal. I just happened to sign up for a grad class in online journalism and was introduced to the wonderful world of Weblogs!

I can't believe four years later I am still blogging about the same topic. haha. If you want to read the article, it can be found here.

Warning it is nothing mind blowing. But if you are reading my blog now, you are clearly not expecting mind blowing from me. As mentioned before I really didn't understand the difference between an article and a post back then, although the editor kept insisting "weblogging" was all about brevity and snark. I guess my long-winded soul still hasn't learned!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Playlist of the Week: Hip Hop to Hotness

I used to be a huge rap/hip hop fan in junior high. My parents loved my insistence on listening to Easy E and Biggie in the car!

This playlist is available to preview or purchase on itunes, check it out.

Again way too long, but I like to offer variety :)

Stand Up-Ludacris
Not Tonight (Ladies Night)-Lil Kim, Christina Aquilera, etc.
Hate it or Love it-50 Cent
Ms. Jackson-Outkast
Baby Got Back-Sir Mix a Lot
Atrevete-Calle 13
Just a Little Bit-50 Cent
The Way I Are-Timbaland
Ain't 2 Proud to Beg-TLC
Without Me-Eminem
Magic Stick-Lil Kim
Jump-Kris Kros
Shimmy Shimmy Ya-Ol Dirty Bastard
Gonna Make You Sweat-C+C Music Factory
Work It-Missy Elliot
The Next Episode-Dr. Dre
Big Pimpin'-Jay Z
The Way You Move-OutKast
Ghetto Superstar-Studio Group
Let Me Blow Your Mind-Eve

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Weekly Workout Wrap Up

Master the Treadmill with Ok Go interval workout (available on itunes)
30 minutes on the elliptical

40 minutes on the elliptical pushing 4 minutes at RPE (rate of perceived exertion at 8) then cranking up resistance and pedaling backward for 4 minutes) repeat for 40.

Plyometrics: 12 alternating scissor lunge jumps for 4 sets
20 squat jumps (squat touch ground, jump up shoot basket)
5 squats, hold squat 5 seconds, jump up (3 sets)

Wednesday: No workout. I did walk to work and back--4.4 miles total. Plus I had the most amazing dinner at Pure Food and Wine, so I felt like I was somehow detoxed...lots o enzymes! The raw lemon cheesecake with buckwheat honey ice cream and raw classic sundae with vanilla and chocolate ice cream, chocolate syrup, whipped cream and candied almonds has to be cleansing, no?

Treadmill: 3 minute warm up jog
15 minute run, alternating 1 minute at 6.5mph with 1 minute at 7.5 mph
2 minute cool down jog

20 minutes alternating 2 minute sprints at 8 rpe, with 2 minute recovery at 6 rpe

500 sit ups, all kinds including: on stability ball, bosu ball, military, planks, planks with jogs, lots of bicycle, side crunches, rotations with weights, hanging from the thing and raising legs, and leg drops

no real cardio, but around 6 miles of walking to and from work and to yoga.

Laughing Lotus Midnight Yoga, AWESOME! The guy playing the music had 14 instruments.

10 mile run-see previous post for full detail


30 minutes elliptical around 7 RPE

Quickie all over strength

15 squat jumps (3 sets)

12 alternating scissor lunge jumps (3 sets)

30 lunges with over head presses

20 side lunges with upright row

30 back lunges with curls and lifting leg straight back when standing

25 ball crunches

25 pretzel leg double crunches, Jenna demonstrated these on her fab blog

50 leg drops

15 triceps extensions

15 triceps dips on bench

15 standing side crunches hold 10 pound weights (both sides)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Trial Run

In order to see just how crazy training for a marathon in 12 weeks would really be, I decided to do my first truly long, long run today. I took a little time after waking up at 7, watching a tivoed episode of Hills,eating some cantaloupe. Then loaded up my fuel belt with my metrocard, some cash a credit card, keys, and 3 Cran Razz clif shot blocks (95% organic and not too many ingredients).
I decided to go into the city to take advantage of the Summer Streets. I felt like a HUGE TOOL wearing my fuel belt into the city on the subway and through Grand Central Station. Fortunately, within minutes of being in Grand Central, I spotted a large tour group whose guide was keeping the group together by holding a giant fish net over his head. I decided compared to being led around the city via huge fish net, the tool factor for wearing a fuel belt in public seemed mild.

10 miles was about 2.5 miles further than I ran last weekend. My route was to run from 42nd down Park Ave to 4th, then Lafayette to City Hall--basically the Summer Streets path. Then down Broadway to the Seaport around the Battery Park City Esplanade and up the West Side Highway.

Running down car-free Park Ave almost the pedestrian utopia I had imagined. People on bikes, roller blades, skate boards, and scooters. I quickly got lost in my day dreams, I guess I'm just a day dream believer. That is an advantage of running outside, treadmills don't tend to fuel the imagination.

Down to the Seaport was easy peasy. I absolutely love running down the promenades in Battery Park City.

BPC was the first "green space" I discovered when I moved to the city. I still think it is one of the beautiful spots, with the promenade along the water, the boats, and the huge flowers and weeping willows. I will never ever be able to afford to live in this part of the city, unless say, Mark Zuckerberg proposes. (Mark: throw a sheep at me if your interested).

Anyways, the run up the Westside Highway was a little challenging at times, but mostly pretty easy. By the last two miles, it was an effort. I was listening to Kara Goucher endurance boost and literally when she said, 30 more seconds left, pick a spot up ahead and focus on it to the finish, I was exactly 30 seconds from 42nd street, my finish point. I stepped onto 42nd exactly as the music changed to cool down, then jogged across town to the subway.

Take home from the run:

*Your body will do what you ask from it, and probably even more. Don't let yourself think I can't run 3 miles, get through a spinning class, do ten push ups, etc. I have found that using positive thinking works wonders with running, if I say, "I am going to run for 10 miles today," my body seems to internalize it and prepares itself. So even when it seems overwhelming, I still feel strong physically.
*It really pays to mentally prepare for long runs. I started thinking this run during the week, which helps a lot with the mental side of things on the run days.
*Maybe adding 2 miles a week is too much. I wasn't feeling really strong on the run, so I think I am going to only go up to 11 next week and try to run a bit faster. I would guess I was running around 11 minute miles, it was feeling pretty turtle at times.

Weekly Workout Wrap Up will be posted tonight

Friday, August 22, 2008


Like everyone else it seems, I have been trying to think of ways to improve my blog. I thought a more defined posting topic schedule was one thing to incorporate. But I am very open to any and all suggestions!
Here is a little outline I was thinking of:

Sunday: Weekly Workout Wrap up
Monday: Playlist of the Week
Tuesday: Workout Review/Workout to Try
Wednesday: Midweek Half Marathon Review/recap
Thursday: City-exercise-new places, free deals, fitness/nutrition resources
Friday: Buzzworthy: fun products, fashionable fitness wear, exciting articles
Saturday:Long run/training recap

The September issue of Self Magazine is getting a lot of buzz on the blogosphere.

Rightfully so, it was a great issue. I really liked two articles: Better Body Breakthrough and Create Your Happy Body Life List.

I really liked the better body breakthrough because it tackled issues that are frustrating to women who work out a lot, but don't see the results they want. Below are the strategies I found most relevant for my body, and on Sunday in my recap, I'll detail how I tried to incorporate them into my workouts this week. If one thing has been coming in loud and clear, intervals, intervals, intervals, are the way to go!

Rut #2: "I do lots of cardio and get sweaty but not skinny!"
Mix it up If you only run or bike each session, you have likely become so good at the motions that you're using fewer calories. Switch it up twice a week ­(swap Spinning for squash) for a fat-melting jolt to your system, says Kara Mohr, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist in Louisville, Kentucky.

Learn to burn Do seven sessions of intervals—fast bursts—in a two-week period (complete at least three in one week) and you'll shed 36 percent more fat during an hour of steady cardio time, research from the University of Guelph in Ontario shows. (Sessions included 10 four-minute sprints with two minutes of rest in between.) But don't stop after two weeks. Add one to three days of intervals to your weekly cardio (or four to six speedy sets per workout) and you may keep increasing your fat burn indefinitely, says Jason Talanian, Ph.D., a coauthor of the study.

Muscle your way fit Most people stress less about their weight if their body looks toned, Mohr says. Strength training does that; it shapes and redefines. (Add the "Tone Without Cardio" program to your usual routine.) Torch more calories by doing the contraction part of moves—like the lift—fast, with as much effort as possible, then lower on two counts.

Rut #3: "All these squats and lunges I'm doing aren't toning my lower half."
Trick your muscles Do a plyometric exercise, an explosive leaping move such as a jump squat, followed immediately by a free-weight exercise, à la a leg press on the same side. Plyometrics burns serious calories, plus fatigues muscles, which is essential for toning, without extra reps or weight. By maxing your effort like this, you use more energy in less time, shaving minutes off your workout and sculpting lean curves, Mazzetti says.

Focus on the bottom line Add hip extensions and step-ups to your regular routine. The moves tap hamstrings 55 percent more and glutes 79 percent and 59 percent more, respectively, than squats, a study by the American Council on Exercise in San Diego shows. For hip extensions: Get on hands and knees, press one bent leg toward ceiling, keeping knee bent. Do 12 reps. Switch sides. For step-up: Holding a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand, step left leg onto a bench (as shown, left). Step down on right leg. Do 12 reps. Switch legs; repeat.

Work the angles "Your glutes create an external rotation when contracted [like the side-pushing motion in skating], so doing moves in that same range of motion makes the exercises more effective," says Kurt Murray, a certifying trainer in Philadelphia for the American College of Sports Medicine. One example: Stand holding a chair in front of you. Extend your right leg straight behind you, foot flexed. Point your toe, then sweep leg counterclockwise until toe reaches a 4 o'clock position. Do 12 reps, switch sides. Or take it outside and mimic this movement as you ice skate or Rollerblade—but be sure to contract glutes at the end of each skate stroke to work the muscles to full potential, Murray says.

I also loved the happiness list article, I am going to work on mine and post it eventually. Feel free to share yours!

Yummy products:

Also on everyone's radar: Peanut Butter Cookie Larabars, so good! Way better than Peanut Butter GNU bars, which I found very disappointing.

I am also loving True Lemon. This is like natural Crystal Light, perfect for jazzing up your H20.

Fashionable Fitness Gear:
I also love the Stella McCartney for Adidas Line. So cute!

The final Summer Streets takes place tomorrow try not to miss it!

Summer Streets will take place for three consecutive Saturdays in August (August 9, 16, & 23) from 7:00 am - 1:00 pm. .Summer Streets provides more space for healthy recreation and is a part of NYC's greening initiative by encouraging New Yorkers to use more sustainable forms of transportation.Modeled on other events from around the world including Bogotá, Colombia's Ciclovia, Paris, France's Paris Plage, and even New York's own Museum Mile, this event will be part bike tour, part block party, a great time for exercise, people watching, and just enjoying summer mornings.

Interesting info:
My friend sent me this link to: Nutrition Energy, Fueling Sports Performance and the Marathon of Life They have a bunch of published articles on their website about sports nutrition that might be worth pursuing.

Any blog ideas appreciated. Have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Racing through my summer reading list

I have two weeks before classes start and I have read no books this summer! I used to be the biggest bookworm, I guess now I am a blogworm. But I intend to get through as many of these as possible in the next two weeks. My week on the Cape/Martha's Vineyard should help me make a dent.

In no particular order:

Above: recommended by friends and soon to be movie...How To Lose Friends and Alienate People
Answered Prayers, halfway through, so good, but can't seem to finish!
A classic that I borrowed from the library, Woman in White

Just treated myself to this with a 25% off Borders coupon: Runner's World: The Runner's Diet.
Finally broke down and bought What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. I keep reading it at Barnes and Nobles, so good! PS Way cheaper when you buy it at Again another treat, very long stressful week at work. :(

Dean, my hero, haha! I loved Ultramarathon Man, so I need to read this also of course.

If you are looking for some literary runspiration, I recommend Marathon Woman by Katherine Spitzer or Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnanzes or Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham.

There are so many good ones out there, but those I can vouch for. I hear Running with Buffaloes is also stellar, and while I am at it, you can't beat this title: Anything for a T-Shirt Fred Lebow and the New York City Marathon, the World's Greatest Footrace by Fred Lebow.
I have a few more book recommendations on my about me post.

xo, Meliss

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Playlist of the Week: Angry Edition

I was in a meh mood today. Thus, while I had planned to do my workout right after work, I kind of didn't want to. I was meeting friends to see Vicky Cristina Barcelona at 8, so I decided that I had sat around all day at work, and I was going to sit around some more in the theater, so I would feel better if I got in some movement.

I decided to go to Whole Foods to pick up a whole paycheck salad, then go to the gym, then eat. This way I wouldn't have to wait in line at Whole Foods hungry and crank after my workout. Seriously, I need a shirt that says Dangerous When Hungry! It was a good plan, did a good workout, and was in a better mood and ready for din din!

So my first weekly playlist will be Workout: The Angry Edition, enjoy.
It's pretty long, so take what you like. Even though I love my pop, this stuff is surprisingly addicting!
Warm Up: Friends in Low Places-Garth Brooks
Beautiful Liar- Beyonce/Shakira
I Hate Everyone Get Set Go
Sexy Mistake-The Chalets
Piece of Me-B-Spears
7 Things I hate About You-Miley Cyrus
For the Girl-The Fratellis--heart it
Lay Down the Law-The Switches
Crazy-Alanis Morrisette
Sorry Sorry-Rooney
You're So Damn Hot-Okay Go
Miss Halfway-Anya Marina
Cool down: Last Dance with Mary Jane-Tome Petty

Monday, August 18, 2008

Michael and Marathons

Wow, if Michael Phelps was a country he would be tied for 6th in overall gold medals won. He would be like 16th for total medals earned!

All this Olympic motivation has really gotten me itching to train for something. My friend suggested I sign up for the Philly Marathon which is on Nov. 23rd. Can I do it? With school, working full time, a few other personal goals I am working on, it will/would be tough.

I plan to definitely do the Nike Women's Half-Run as One through Nike + in October. (PS this is open to all!)

But a full in 3 months? Any thoughts?

What's the Ripa photo all about?
The Physique 57 class I talk about non-stop, has a video on Fitness Magazine's website. It's called the Celebrity Workout. It's a very watered down version because the music sucks,no other way to say it, and it is like 5 times slower than you would do the exercises in the class. But it gives you a peek at 7 of the exercises down, even though they are probably the easiest ones, since they don't require much equipment. But at least you see what this thigh dancing thing I keep mentioning is!

So if you did this workout to awesome music, 5 times faster, for 5 times longer, working each body part for around 15 minutes, you would have the real class. But this isn't bad for beginners, it just isn't enough to give Kelly Ripa the body she has!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weekly Workout Wrap Up

It's been a while since I have put it all together for you guys, but here it is a week in workouts.


2 mile walk to work

Gym: 30 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes abs, 5 minute run


2 mile walk to work

Gym: 45 minute elliptical, 10 minutes rower


30 minute run, 15 minute elliptical

Leg series:

3 sets total.
I use 5 lbs weights
-12 forward lunges with overhead press (reps are total not each leg)
-12 hammer curls palms facing toward each other with shoulder raises
-12 plie squats while raising arms together toward chin--like a bowtie
-12 squats with bicep curls
-12 stationary lunges on right with over head presses
-12 stationary lunges on left with tricep kickbacks
-12 calf raises with overhead tricep extensions


1 mile walk to work, then hopped on subway because I was running late...ooops!

10 minute bike, 30 minute run, 25 minute swim


30 minute elliptical
24 reps on each of 6 leg machines at the gym
Yoga for Weightloss video from Fitness Magazine website. Went through routine, twice not four times.
Try it, it's fun!


7.5 mile run outside. For part of this I listened to Kara Goucher's Endurance Boost Itunes workout.

Felt really good, moments of invincibility haha! Although, I felt really tired after my workout; it's been a long time since I ran long(ish) and hard. But I am going for 9-10 miles next week!

I then watched about 2/3 of the women's Olympic marathon on TV. Inspiring, even though I can't believe I could watch people run for almost 2 hours! ( I did keep switching back and forth from the hills marathon!)


10 minute treadmill run
30 minutes on the elliptical with glute kicker mode on
ran up the stairs from 6th floor to 29th, I walked a few.

I am now back from a day at Coney Island, and I think I will finish off my week with some strength and thigh dancing. Maybe a quick 25 minutes at the gym adapting the moves from the Fitness magazine 20 minute workout video.

Looking forward to next week, I am probably going to have to do a lot of morning workouts because I have have a pretty social week lined up--can't complain about that! I have dinner plans two nights (the little owl and Pure Food and Wine), a movie date (Vicky Cristina Barcelona!) and a raw italian cooking class one night, so hopefully I will wake up high energy!

Oh, if you are a Woody Allen fan, this article/video montage from NYmag is kind of great. I loved Match Point and I LOVE Barcelona, so I hope I am not disappointed!


Thursday, August 14, 2008


I was once a swimmer...that was a long long time ago. I traded swimming for 7 years of lifeguarding, during which, I would only go in the water when absolutely necessary. Read: drowning eminent...or 2 times. Okay, the one summer I guarded on the beaches of Martha's Vineyard a day, we were required to swim and run daily, plus I rode my 7 miles bike ride to work and back. Other than that being the guardian of lives is a very sedentary job.

But after a very long hiatus from entering a pool voluntarily--other than the quick dip in the pool in my apartment building for fun a few weeks back--I definitely interested to see how my body would respond. Would I be dying after a few laps? A few thousand meters? A mile?

So I got to gym, I did:

5 minutes on the bike while waiting for a treadmill.

30 minute run around 6.5mph

25 minute swim

I took it really easy, just kind of tried to quiet my mind. Without an ipod, I found that swimming can be kind of meditative, so I tried to think zen, yoga, releasing thoughts, and such.

So I didn't really keep track of the actual swim, but it went something like this:

100 meters free
100 meters breaststroke
100 meters backstroke
repeat above

25 meters fly
75 meters free
100 meters breaststroke

25 meters underwater
25 meters free
25 meters free without breathing
25 meters breaststroke

100 meters with kickboard
100 meters with pullbouy

200 situps

Then I used the fun water extractor to "dry" my bathing suit! Love it.

Swimming went better than expected. It would have helped to try to plan a real workout, but I just wanted to see where my body was with the whole agua thing.

Fun swimming fact: swimmers who are good at fly, free and back are usually bad at breaststroke. Breaststrokers are typically bad at everything else. I am a breaststroker.

Glad it's now officially friday. It's been a long week at work. The gym has been my respite. The other day, my co-worker and I were leaving work, and as she got on the subway home, I mentioned I was going to the gym first. She said, props to you for being motivated. In my head I was like, I have been dreaming of the gym since 3:00! I know it may be the best part of my day!
Oh, if anyone has good tips to end extra snacking and night time eating, send them my way! I certainly don't need to be eating like Michael Phelps, even if I am swimming. haha. 8000-10,000 calories is probably a several weeks' worth for those gymnasts. sorry bitchy, it's late!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The other Magic Kingdom

Every so often you read or listen to something that profoundly influences you. Recently I listened to an interview with Karen Knowler on RawVeganRadio (interview 58) that really resonated with me. Are you scared to reach your true potential? Be it your dream job, the best relationships you can have, your best level of health or success in another area of your life, sometimes no matter how much you want something, the fear of what might happen if you truly reach your goals can be terrifying. Change is scary.

Rather than go into my opinions and thoughts, I'll just leave you with my favorite quote and some resources to look into if you are interested in learning more. I think it is about time that all of us beautiful blog girls started living our dreams lives, simple and divine, and magical ones at that.

"Sometimes it can really scare people to get what they want [She then references a book called "How Much Joy Can You Stand] People don't like feeling not good, but they are scared of feeling great." KK

It is long, so listen while cleaning your room or download to your ipod and listen to it on the work.

Karen Knowler is one of the most giving people one the Internet. She produces free articles and does many interviews that you can access for free on the web. I have several of her ebooks and her print ones. I also had the chance to see her at Successfully Raw hosted by several months ago. I also think that she is so relatable and offers real ways to change that the habits are holding you back and deal with the emotional issues.

For more read here: Heart to Mouth: How to Deal with Those Raw Emotions

Karen, Sarma, and Natalia are my favorite authors on health, emotion, body-image, almost like fairy-raw-mothers. Sexy ladies wearing high heels not hemp!

PS In other very exciting news, a new organic market opened up in the bottom of my building today. It is EXACTLY like Whole Foods, except with way better produce prices and everything is locally grown. It even has cafe seating and great looking salad and food bars. Before we really didn't have a good supermarket (just a couple smallish gourmet delis) within reasonable distance. Even the semi-sketch c-town was a good 10-15 minute walk, so I was hauling stuff from TJs on the subway. Now I just have to take the elevator down a mere 29 floors for an organic utopia. I have to admit, I am a little jealous of myself right now.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Weekend Workout Wrap-up


Feeling super lazy from too little sleep on Friday (and maybe a few too many martinis).

I did a super lazy 30 minutes on the elliptical. All day I was super hungry, but actually probably just tired. In the afternoon I got around to half-heartedly doing the leg and ab exercises that David Kirsch suggests in the current issue of Glamour.

I went out for a great run. I wanted to run around Roosevelt Island, but I some how ran right over the entrance to the massive bridge, and ended up at Socrates Sculpture Park. So I turned around, located the bridge and ran around Roosevelt Island before heading home. It was a great run, one of those where I felt I could run forever. I think it was about 6 miles. Last time I ran to Roosevelt Island it was kind of a disaster, so this was a pleasant change of pace!

Later that day I went to Jivamukti for a yoga class. It was pretty awesome. Much better than the last class I posted on. It was not vigorous, but the instructor was AWESOME. He used this great gel and the beginning and end of class that made my body relaxed and tingly. It actually kind of felt like icy hot, but I pretty sure it was something else. He also kept adjusting me in ways that made my body feel amazing. I left feeling super relaxed and my spine felt so much longer!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why running is easier than dating

This is just for fun. I was just thinking about how relationships with running are similar to relationships with people. Some days running is so easy, others day it is so hard. Sometimes you don't know if you really like running, but you know you really want to. You go through periods where you are totally infatuated with running, and periods where you are kind of over it. In some instances the heart (and legs) grow fonder with time. At some point you may find running to be too one note and you may switch to triathlons--kind of like swooning over a musician but then finding that you just can't talk about the Beatles anymore, and finding an ibanker with more diverse interests.

While parallels may be drawn, I have decided that running is (almost always) easier than dating. Here are four reasons why:

Reason 1: The road is easily definable and typically leads to a glorious end. Dating on the other hand is nothing but ambiguous. You are never really in control, there is no defined path, you can't make your schedule, follow a plan, you just have to try to play the game, be just interested enough so you don't seem bitchy, but not too eager because, my god, too many winks and you must be mentally naming your children! The end is only glorious a small percentage of the time, more often it is crash and burn. It could be argued that injuries are crash and burn, but at least there is a good chance of recovery from running injury. I personally feel there is no hope for recovery from relationship disaster, you crash, burn and need to move the heck on!

Reason 2: You get back what you put in.

The more work your put into running, the faster you get, the stronger you get, the more your endurance improves. (If you are in doubt of this, blast some Kanye while running.) In short, your effort is directly proportional to your reward.

I don't think I have to go into how this is different than dating.

Reason 3: It's so much easier to get ready.

Yes, you must think about gus, water and sun block. But once you have the routine, it's cake. Take a morning run. You grab any old shorts, shirt, socks, sports bra, a bottle of water, and you are out the door.

Before a date you go through five outfits, completely destroying your room in the process. Then there is hair, makeup, and debating which perfume is appropriate? Can I fit everything in a small purse so I don't look high maintenance? (Because the hour and a half you took to look like you spent five minutes to look effortlessly gorgeous is so not high maintenance.) Do I have mints? Will my feet start bleeding if we are out more than 4 hours? It goes on and on! Disclaimer: this can be the fun part, I do love getting ready. But it is so under appreciated. I mean all that gorgeous lingerie you bought, and he actually prefers a wife beater and gap body bikini briefs! My girlfriend declared over coffee the other day that all guys should get Brazilians and take Physique 57 classes just to understand that they open the door for a reason!

Reason 4: The soundtrack for running is way more uplifting.
I can pretty much always count on my pop music to get me going and put me in a great mood.

Dating on the other hand has two kinds of sound:

Sappy love songs for the honeymoon phase. My personal fav is I Can Hear Music by the Beach Boys, but I admit that in junior high and high school my "songs" with bfs included ghetto superstar, I don't want to miss a thing, and iris by DMB.

Angry music: perfect for getting screwed when the boy freaks out three weeks in after pursuing you for months! Come on ladies, you know you have Alanis tucked away for those days!

Okay so I may be writing this post from a somewhat cynical perspective. I mean, I am a huge believer in "the chase" (I'm a runner), and I am totally okay with playing the game…to a point. But there comes a time you need to cut the crap and start being real. I mean boys, you need to understand that a flirty text or using the word "I like" doesn't mean that I want a ring, or even a change in facebook relationship status. 90% of the time I am even totally sure if I am into you, I just happen to be a shameless flirt. Did you miss that facet of my personality somehow? J

Again, please note, this is just meant to be funny. I am not in a woe is boy hating state. A girls' night, a few cute-tinis at Pure, and a great guy friend telling me I was gorgeous, wonderful and the boy is out of his mind (all gross exaggerations of course, but they certainly made me feel better) more than took care of the fact that my feelings were hurt that a boy doesn't like me/my personality.

So moral of my tongue in cheek rant…Don't give up on men (or women) and dating; just realize in the meantime, it may be much easier to run a marathon!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Dusk and Dawn Workouts

Okay before I start, I wanted to share this article with you when I first read it in Runner's World a couple months ago, but I searched and searched and couldn't find it on the web. Then today, I came across it on MSN. It's about two moms who run the Nike Women's Marathon. It really brings me back to my experience.
Fav line: I officially broke at mile 21. My tears flowed and I choked out, "I just don't know about this." Even though I was doing so much better than I had ever thought possible, I didn't care. I didn't want to finish. I didn't want the necklace. I just wanted to be done. Now.
Back to business...
I kind of did a back to back workouts last night and this morning. I just couldn't get in the mood yesterday morning, so I waited until around 8pm and I have plans tonight, so it had to get in this morning.
This is the view from the gym in my building-from google images.
I did 30 minutes on the elliptical with glute kicker mode on. America's Best Dance Crew was on, so I watched with subtitles while listening to my ipod.
Then I did 10 minutes on the rower. I really love the rower, I get in the zone so easily.
The I did 3 sets of a strength set that I made up. I really wanted to make it results oriented, so I took my old trainer's advice and did lower body and upper body moves together with little rest. This gets the heart rate up and apparently blasts fat (we'll see). Gillian Michaels advises this also, she calls it working large muscle groups with smaller muscle groups.

Here is the routine. 3 sets total.
I use 5 lbs weights because I don't need bulk. (Maybe next time I will do at least one set with 10s)
-12 forward lunges with overhead press (reps are total not each leg)
-12 hammer curls palms facing toward each other with shoulder raises
-12 plie squats while raising arms together toward chin--like a bowtie
-12 squats with bicep curls
-12 stationary lunges on right with over head presses
-12 stationary lunges on left with tricep kickbacks
-12 calf raises with overhead tricep extensions
-1 set 100 crunches on ball

The view from my window in the morning-not taken by me

Today (circa 6:20am)

10 minute warm up on the elliptical...waiting for a treadmill to open up

Kara Goucher's endurance boost workout for Nike+. I really just wanted to clock the time, not necessarily go for speed. So I went really, really slow. I am not used to running in the morning any more! So I did the warm up at 5.6mph, the "4 minute sprints" at 6.0mph and the 4 minute recovery at 5.8mph for the first two sets, then bumped up to 6.5 and 6.0 for the last two and 5.6 for the cool down. Total time is 40 minutes

After that I took a water break and then "hit it again" for 15 minutes of sprint/walk intervals. I ran at 8mph for 1 minute and walked at 4mph for 1 minute. I did this to my two versions (huge dork alert) of Get Me Bodied by Beyonce and When I Grow Up by the PCDs.

I made myself stretch for 5 minutes before heading up for a shower. Totally invigorated and super sweaty...a great way to start the day!

Have a great Friday. I have a fun article/post planned for the weekend. hehe

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mid-week review: happies and saddies

I don't have too much to say fitness-wise today. Yesterday night was so strange. I got to the gym, and just could not get into it. Instead I walked around the piers along the East River by my building and the around the neighborhood for an hour and called it a night. I am going to try to sneak in a solid hour of cardio at the gym before heading to the Socrates Sculpture Park Outdoor Cinema night. Every week they show an international film and a local restaurant from that region caters it for free. Pretty cool. Tonight the French Films The Red Balloon and Persepolis are playing with catering from 718.

So I thought I would share some things on my radar this week, kind of, well really, random, but here goes. FYI, likes and dislikes ahead!
First off, I am really excited about Gossip Girl Sept 1. I think I am going to try to reserve the screening room in my building and have a season premiere party. I just love the "racy ads". This one is good, but nothing compares to the OMFG.

What I am less excited about is the Botkier bags at Target. I went to check them out, not very cute (read: fug) or well made in person. Sadness! I'm happier with my bendie bag.

But I am excited about the sale at Paragon. Check it out online. They have the cutest sneakers.

Speaking of cute. Time Out had an article on Fit2Date. A company that creates working out events for singles. The article is pretty funny. It is so something I am theoretically game for, but don't know if I have the guts to sign up. Plus $200 is a lot! (the first picture is from the article)

An article that made me less happy was "The Chunky Side: The Shape of Things to Come" It reminded me of seeing Wall-E. So sad. Did anyone else read this?

Lastly, my new love is Kombucha. This stuff is so invigorating and very satisfying. Check it out if you haven't already!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Glute Kicker

The ellipticals in my building have this great setting called Glute Kicker. Sorry if most ellips have this--don't want this post to be a yawnfest--but I have never seen it before so I thought I'd share.

So anyways, when you hit glute kicker a little thing on the side lights up a few of the following settings:

Lean back

For one minute you do the specified combo and then you get a minute off.

It really does make kick your ass! At first I felt a little silly squating on the elliptical in front of everyone, but I got over myself once I realized that the burn had to mean results were sure to follow.

If you want to try it yourself, just make a little schedule and alternate a minute regular ellip jog with a minute of lower body pain.

Such as:

1 minute squat
1 minute normal
1 minute fast reverse
1 minute normal
1 minute squat, lean back
1 minute normal
1 minute fast reverse squat
1 minute normal
1 minute fast lean back
1 minute normal
1 minute squat
1 minute normal
1 minute lean back reverse
1 minute normal
1 minute fast squat

I really like this because you work your lower body and get cardio in at the same time. You can really kill yourself by sprinting the normal intervals, but be warned squating for a minute is a LONG time!

All right, off to the gym. Good night!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Today's Workout:lunch hour quickie

I really will try to get in the habit of the daily or weekly workout log! I have been pretty good about high intensity cardio 5-6 days a week, strength with weights 1 day a week and without 2 days a week. At least one day of rest a week. I also walk a lot and try to take the stairs at work (about 80 steep ones to the 4th floor) at every opportunity. I find if I take the elevator even once, I never want to take the stairs again!


2 miles power walk from train to work.

Lunch hour quickie:
15 minutes on the elliptical, pretty moderate pace at level 8
10 minute run, alternating 7 mph minutes with 8 mph minutes. I am trying to get my body as comfortable at a 7mph pace as it is at 6mph.
10 minute rower

Ab work:
25 military sit ups
25 hip raises with legs straight in the air
25 crunches with legs in the air
25 bicycle crunches
45 second plank
12 each side of Denise Austin Double Crunch Classic-lie on ground with knees bent, stack one ankle on opposite knee, crunch lower body and upper body toward each other
20 each side of side lying oblique crunches. Lie on side and crunch elbow and upper body toward hip.

That's probably it for the day minus the power shopping I have planned at Target!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sweat to the summit

Hiking was so much fun today. It's hard to believe that this great spot is less than an hour from the city. I hadn't been hiking in years, and this mountain, Breakneck Ridge was serious business. Definitely far more difficult than I had imagined, but totally doable, exhilarating and rewarding.

Breakneck Ridge is between Beacon and Cold Spring, New York, so we climbed up the two peaks and down into Cold Springs Village which is a pretty cute little town.

For more info on the hike check out the GORP review, which is pretty accurate. I am glad I read it after the climb, but here are a few excerpts:

"Hudson Highlands State Park and the hills immediately to the northeast present a far more rugged feel than anywhere else in the chain. Along the Hudson's eastern bank lies bulky Mount Taurus, the all-but-vertical rock face of Breakneck Ridge These are the craggy, weather-beaten relics of once-overwhelming mountains...They offer rewarding views and also present the most difficult hiking in the Highland chain."

"Once you locate the trailhead, navigation is simple. If you deviate much from the rock ledges that comprise most of the trail, you'll fall hundreds of feet down the mountain's south face. Take utmost care on Breakneck, as carelessness has occasionally resulted in deaths. When you reach the summit, the surrounding landscape flattens out considerably. You feel you can reach out and touch Storm King, directly across the water. Taurus looms to your southeast, and the views of West Point are unsurpassed. Relax, picnic, and enjoy the views. While the climbing is arduous, Breakneck is not a long-distance hike."

This was hard but there were not really any "jump and trust my luck" places where I had to jump to reach the next hand hold. However, there were a few "grip don't fail me now" spots.

View looking up from the streetThe start of the climb, just steps in. I instantly realized this was not a walk in the woods. Almost to the top of the first peak, wow that's steep!

These would be the great views, several along the climb! But we are only about halfway up!

This was the steepest patch, basically vertical rock without too many foot holds. Totally doable.
At the top of the first summit. I am much happier than I look, I just wasn't ready for the photo!

I think I could have busted out my Girl Scout skills a bit more and shared the responsibility for map and campus reading and trail blaze navigation, but I decided to follow the leader today.

The peaks took about an hour and half and were a great workout! The rest is cake, you really get to enjoy your way down. The area (originally Dutch New Netherlands) is rich with history and the remains of old farms and mills can be found along the route. After being abandoned around 200 years ago, the forest grew over the farmlands. It's amazing all this new growth in so little time. It gives me hope for the earth's resilience!

After the climb we walked into cold spring for a little shopping, and a well deserved nosh a Blue Moon (him) and a diet coke (me), lots of ice water and a plate of sweet potato fries (shared).

One last silly photo, just for fun and to show you that I do smile!

At Dylan's Candy Bar holding an ingenious shirt "Stressed Spelled Backwards is Desserts." Shocking that I look infinitely more happy in a land of chocolate, sugar, and cute shirts by Dylan Lauren! Lately my fav desserts have been Stoneyfield Cookies and Dream froyo and almond butter stuffed menjool dates. yum-o
Note: I am equally sweaty in both photos. Crazy that running around in NYC humidity is about equal to mountain climbing on the personal dew point factor!

Happy trails folks!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Look cool like Posh, bend it like Beckham!

One of my dearest friends, just launched a line of fabulous mat bags! They are designed to look super cute, but also be very functional.

I have had my bag for months, but I had to keep mum until the WEBSITE went live. The bags have to outer pockets and two inner pockets, so you have all the room you need to stash your keys, wallet, phone, metrocard, Purrell, ipod, even a magazine, but don't have to carry around an extra purse.

I put photos of my bag--green polka dot outside, purple polka dot inside--below but they come in tons of colors and patterns. Besides just looking great, you can tell from all the text on the website that no small about of love and interest in what a women truly needs went into these bags. I mean Bendie's Slogan is Because Mats have feelings too! He has the cutest washing instructions I have ever seen (seriously), plus a portion of the proceeds with go to charities working to stop the violence against women in Darfur, Sudan.

The bags should be in sports stores and yoga studios in NYC soon, but if you can't wait go to the website and send them an email, like the website says, as soon as they happy doing the happy dance, they'll get right back to you!

Namaste, Melissa