I had full intentions of running to Socrates Sculpture Park and taking one of their free yoga classes this morning. They really have a lot of great offerings:
(On a side note, pretty much all NYC parks have free yoga classes during the summer, so check out websites for nearby offerings--okay, I am lazy today!--I'll get my act together for you guys and do a listing later this week too.)
Yoga in the Park
Saturdays, May 10 - September 27 (rain or shine)
First session: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Second session: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Saturdays, May 10 - September 27 (rain or shine)
First session: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Second session: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Pilates in the Park
Sundays, May 11 - June 29 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (rain or shine)
Tai Chi in the Park
Sundays, May 11 – September 28 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (rain or shine)
Sundays, May 11 – September 28 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (rain or shine)
Capoeira in the Park Saturdays, May 10 - September 27 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (rain or shine)
However, I woke up at 6:30am with quite the wine headache and really felt the need to take the morning slow and laze around a bit. Although, if I had known I was going to wake up so early, I would have definitely decided to go out dancing with friends rather than being lame and staying in, so it would have been worth it. I feel as though I am being punished...haha.
I decided to take a stroll down along the piers by the water, I live in Long Island City right on the water's edge. It was incredible, the quiet of the water and the stateliness of the skyline, even though it isn't a sunny day, it was beautiful in it's own way. I also discovered a little garden area that filled me with joy!
There is something about living by the water that I find so restorative for the soul. I always feel more at peace with a greater sense of clarity when I am by the water, even without the sound of the ocean waves lapping onto the beach, it's still quite magical. This is technically my third time living by the water, first on Martha's Vineyard, next for a couple months at the South Street Seaport and now in Long Island City, on each occasion I felt and now feel like literally the luckiest person in the world.
I'll add pictures at some point! But for now I'll put in the view from my bedroom, even on my crappy camera it's pretty cool. I want everyone to move into my building or at least come visit!
This is the Manhattan skyline, my camera really sucks, but you can see the Chrysler Building.
This is looking out to Queens with lots of bridges.
This is proof I am in LIC, with the Citibank Building standing tall.

After strolling around the piers, making love to my new neighborhood. I headed up to the roof deck of my building to read some magazines. I was all alone, which was quite a switch from last night when the cabanas were hopping and the vino was flowing. I am not sure which I prefer, although I definitely appreciated the "me time" today!

After strolling around the piers, making love to my new neighborhood. I headed up to the roof deck of my building to read some magazines. I was all alone, which was quite a switch from last night when the cabanas were hopping and the vino was flowing. I am not sure which I prefer, although I definitely appreciated the "me time" today!
I'll definitely head to the gym at some point today, but first I think I will tackle building some more furniture, hanging pictures and curtain rods and the never ending organizing process. I will NEVER move again. Famous last words.
In other news, I am doing the Japan Run tomorrow. I went to pick up my race packet yesterday, since the race starts at 8am (Why?) and they aren't doing day of packet distribution (why?) and NYRR is on 89th (why?) so I didn't want to be forced to make a trip uptown if I ended up having afternoon plans today. Anyways, usually I don't really pick up anything except my shoe chip (which records your time) and the bib (so they know you are not a bandit runner), but this race seemed to have quite the mother load of goodies, so I figured I might as well pick up the jam-packed tote, compliments of Mitsubishi.
I thought I would share. If you have never run a race, sign up for a 5k, it's always fun to get free stuff and there is no need to be intimidated. Short runs are for all levels, and serious runners rarely waste their time with community runs, there are just too many people to get a good time.
In the bag: Chocolate Peanut Butter Soyjoy bar. I hear they are pretty gross, but my curiosity will probably get the better of me.

The T-shirt. Definitely don't need another t-shirt, but it's kind of cute and unlike most race t-shirts, not MASSIVE.

There was also this really big electrolyte fuel stuff. I really don't think I could take this much substance without gagging. Plus, it's only 70 cals total (really?) which defeats the purpose of having a quick source of energy on the run. I am not impressed.

Lots of info on running and marathons in Japan.

And the bib!

Happy Saturday. I'll let you know how the race goes tomorrow.